Monday, November 06, 2006

Our Sweet Memories...

This is how Gabriel looked like when he was born..

It has been more than 4 months since Gabriel was born.

Gabriel was born on 29 June 2006 at 2.05pm. He was expected to come to see this colourful world on 26 June 2006. On 24 Jun, Dr Fan said there's no way he will be born on the EDD (expected delivery date) and he suggested induced labour. I was admitted on 28 Jun... scared.. worried.. because I have heard that induced labour is very painful... However, on 28 Jun, Dr Fan said I can try for natural delivery cos the cervix has dialated 1cm... and Raily was there accompany me till 10pm that night. The labour started at 4am... But in the end, I still have induced labour...

Still remember the first time we lay our eyes on our little precious one, we were amazed by his eyes... So big... So cute.. His mouth was moving.. like looking for food...

My vision was blurred.. by tears... tears of joy...

The nurse brought him to nursery while I have my rest.. When I was sent to the ward, before I can take a glass of water, I vomitted. Raily was worried and called for nurse...

And now he is 4 months plus... He has filled up our days with so much joys...

This is how our little Gabriel looked when he was 4 days old..

This is how our little Gabriel looked when he was 5 days old..

When Gabriel was full moon...

When Gabriel was 2 months old...

A picture of 2 months and 4 days old Gabriel with my sisters...

Our 1st Family photo... (taken on my father-in-law's birthday)

When Gabriel was 3 months old...

When Gabriel was 4 months old...

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