Friday, July 31, 2009

Fall down in Nursery...

Gabriel fell down in nursery 2 weeks back. I sms one of the photo to May Lynn, she straight called back to ask how bad is it.

Here is the picture...

3 comments on "Fall down in Nursery..."

Chin Weng 茶先生 on 7/31/2009 11:09 pm said...

Gabriel same like her May Lynn aunty, fell down into longkang?

mayyee on 8/01/2009 12:34 am said...

He fell down in the nursery with the toy poke his mouth and his head knock on the table side.

Teacher has warned him but he continue to run and play with Teacher. >_<

karenc 采茶女 on 8/01/2009 10:23 am said...

oh.. hope he learnt his lesson lor, won't dare to play like this again.


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