Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bad bad diarrhea

Gabriel has a bad diarrhea since Tuesday night. Dunno whether due to the potato I gave to him from the dinner I tapau outside.

Tuesday night itself 2 times and another time 4am.

Wednesday ~ came back from nursery, he was having slight fever. 38.2c. Brought him to see Dr Chan. He said the fever was caused by virus in the stomach. Asked to continue with smecta for Wednesday. Diarrhea 2 times in the middle of night. Pampers kena, pants also got.

Thursday~ still have bad diarrhea. He actually went to toilet 7 times from evening till night. So I gave him the diarrhea medicine instead of waiting for the next day. Middle of night, another time 4.10am.

Friday ~ still have diarrhea. Day time 4 times, at night 2 times. Middle of night - nil.

Saturday ~ still have slight diarrhea. Until now, he has gone toilet 2 times.

He has lost so much weight.. look pale too. *_*

3 comments on "Bad bad diarrhea"

karenc 采茶女 on 4/25/2009 9:04 pm said...


mayyee on 4/25/2009 9:17 pm said...

从星期二到现在都只喝soya milk。他一直都吵要喝他的nei nei。

Chin Weng 茶先生 on 4/28/2009 10:09 pm said...

两年前我住医院,因为上吐下泻,还吐出血呢,因为 virus infection。愿Gabriel早日康复。


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